Kaya Brüel
er født i København 30 August 1972. Datter af arkitekt Niels Herskind, og sanger og musiker Sanne Brüel.
Kaya debuterede i 1991 i alder af 19 år, med albummet “KAYA", produceret af Jens Rugsted, solgt i over 85.000 eksemplarer.
Siden er det blevet til 12 solo udgivelser i en bred vifte af genre, fra pop, soul, folk og Jazz, til børnemusik med sin oldefar Axel Brüel's melodier til Halfdan Rasmussens tekster,samt et par albums med guitarist Ole Kibsgaard.
Udover en imponerende sang karriere, har Kaya haft stor succes på de danske og udenlandske teater scener, med blandt andre forestillingerne “Woyzeck” iscenesat af Robert Wilson med original musik af Tom Waits. I titelrollen sunget på Argentinsk som “Maria de Buenos Aires” og som moderen i den gennmkomponerede “Pigen med paraplyerne”, som hun blev nomineret til en Reumert for, som årets kvindelige birolle. Udover disse, kan nævnes "HAIR", "Snedronningen", "Laser og Pjalater", "Divaer i Glas" og "Atlantis" og mange flere.
Man kender desuden hendes stemme fra tegnefilm som Rita i "Jungledyret Hugo", "Askepot" mfl. samt fra en del reklame og TV speaks. Hun har medvirket i en række TV serier og film. Bla "Mit 50/50 liv", "Borgen", "Lykke", "Forsvar", "De Udvalgte", "Veninder", "Familien Gregersen" og "Sommerdahl".
I 2020/21 havde Kaya Brüel tjansen som vært i 294 progammer af "Morgensang på DR1".
Kaya spiller årligt en lang række koncerter, i eget navn, som solist ved diverse orkestre og som duo med Ole Kibsgaard. Kaya er del af MusikBeRiget som bringer musik ind på hospitalerne.
Kaya Brüel was born in Copenhagen in 1972. Daughter of architect Niels Herskind, and singer and musician Sanne Brüel. Kaya debuted in 1991 at the age of just 19, with the album “KAYA” selling over 85.000 copies.
Now 12 solo releases in a wide range of genres, from pop, soul, folk and jazz, to children's music.
In addition to an impressive singing career, Kaya Brüel has had great success on the Danish and foreign theater stages with, among others, the performances “Woyzeck" in 2002 set by Robert Wilson, with original music by Tom Waits. The titel role sung in Argentinian ”Maria de Buenos Aires" and the part of the mother in "Les Parapluies De Cherbourg”. Besides these musicals, she has contributed in ”HAIR", "The Snow Queen", “The Threepenny Opera”, and many more.
Kaya Brüel has appeared in a number of TV series and films. Among others "Mit 50/50 liv", "Borgen", "Lykke", "Forsvar", “De Udvalgte", "Veninder", "Familien Gregersen" and "Sommerdahl".
In 2020/21, Kaya had the opportunity to host 294 programs of "Morgensang på DR1” on danish national TV.
Kaya Brüel gives a large number of concerts annually, as a soloist and with various orchestras, and as a duo with guitarist Ole Kibsgaard. Kaya is part of “MusikBeRiget”, which brings music into hospitals.
Kaya Brüel was born in Copenhagen in 1972. Daughter of architect Niels Herskind, and singer and musician Sanne Brüel. Kaya herself debuted in 1991 at the age of just 19, with the album “KAYA” selling over 85.000 copies.
Now 12 solo releases in a wide range of genres, from pop, soul, folk and jazz, to children's music.
In addition to an impressive singing career, Kaya Brüel has had great success on the Danish and foreign theater stages with, among others, the performances “Woyzeck" in 2002 set by Robert Wilson, with original music by Tom Waits. The titel role sung in Argentinian ”Maria de Buenos Aires" and the part of the mother in "Les Parapluies De Cherbourg”. Besides these musicals, Kaya has contributed in ”HAIR", "The Snow Queen", “The Penny Opera", "Divas in Glass" and “Atlantis" and many more.
She has appeared in a number of TV series and films. Among others "Mit 50/50 liv", "Borgen", "Lykke", "Forsvar", “De Udvalgte", "Veninder", "Familien Gregersen" and "Sommerdahl".
In 2020/21, Kaya had the opportunity to host 294 programs of "Morgensang på DR1” in danish national TV.
Kaya Brüel plays a large number of concerts annually, as a soloist with various orchestras, as part of Benjamin Koppel's Jazzgala and as a duo with guitarist Ole Kibsgaard. Kaya is part of “MusikBeRiget”, which brings music into hospitals.